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Zombeavers (2014)

I felt like something a little cheesy today and I found a gem on Tubi. Director Jordan Rubin delivers a true horror comedy with Zombeavers, it's filled with laughs, mostly hateable characters and plenty of gore. Have y'all noticed that some horror movies really lean into the hateable protagonist characters? The past few movies I've watched have had some absolutely annoying as fuck characters that I want to die (but they tend to survive). This movie has Zoe played expertly by Cortney Palm, who is rude, obnoxious and has some of the loud as fuck sex in a tiny cabin in the woods with her friends right there . Her boyfriend isn't much better. Both of them annoyed the absolute tits off of me. Let's talk about the beavers. I've never seen a beaver in real life because I live in Australia and the closest thing we have is probably a platypus. The beavers in this movie are pretty great in my opinion. They have this almost cute quality to them while still look

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